C.J. is my little soldier, my little man, my pumpkin booty, my first born, my only boy.. he is the big smile & bear hug followed by "good morning mom! did you have a good sleep?" every morning. the person i can count on to lift my spirits & put a smile on my face even when im feeling at my absolute worst. he always knows when to give me a hug or kiss or a simple "i love you mom" when i need it most. the things he says sometimes blow my mind & make me laugh so hard im in tears! my little soldier holding down the fort while dad is gone. the man of the house... my knight in shinning armour <3
Kalayah? oh she is my little Diva, my drama queen, my Queen-B, my GEMINI.. her fathers daughter! in every sense of the word.. how do i describe her? special! her little giggles when she thinks something is hilarious. the way she says MOM & mommy melt my heart. her big beautiful brown eyes, the crazy/wild curly hair.. my little mommy, helping with her sister & her brother. my eyes and ears around the house. she makes me laugh with her sillyness & her crazieness.. demanding. i can only imagine what she will be like 1 year from now, even 5 years from now. she keeps me on my toes, thats for sure!
last, but DEF not least is Kali.. my baby girl, my coconut face, my Kali-bug, my little ray of sunshine. so bright & bubbly. happy as can be. her laughter is contagious. she smiles at every little thing & babbles & talks so much. she is my people watcher. my little angel. everyday is something new with her. i cant wait to see who she is in a year from now.. finally one who looks more like me! <3
its crazy how 5 years time changes so much. and after all the mountains & valleys i have been through, these 3 little ones are the best memories. each one of them has managed to bring more happiness, love, strength & courage (yes, courage!) to my life... and as difficult it may seem or may get at times, i wouldnt trade having 3 babies EVER!!! i cant even remember what life was really like without them.. boring?? i think so! <3 <3 <3 Happy Mother's Day <3 <3 <3