Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mothers Day

hard to believe tomorrow is Mother's Day. as i sit here, i look at all 3 of my babies.. yes THREE!! how did i end up with 3? well, we all know how that happens, literally.. hahah! but i mean, i remember it like yesterday when i was pregnant with each one of them. like how quikly time flys by. i can remember so vivdly each one of the kids, how i found out, where i was, who i was with.. the feelings that rushed through me. and as i sit looking at them, im filled with happiness. they are the light at the end of the tunnel. they are my reason for breathing, as awful as it sounds. dont take it the wrong way ok! they are the reason & driving force behind everything i do. i never knew what unconditional love meant until i had them. they drive me up the wall, make me want to pull my hair out, yet at the end of the day i love them no less than the day before. i never imagine a true feeling of happiness until they were born. each one of them is different than the other.

C.J. is my little soldier, my little man, my pumpkin booty, my first born, my only boy.. he is the big smile & bear hug followed by "good morning mom! did you have a good sleep?" every morning. the person i can count on to lift my spirits & put a smile on my face even when im feeling at my absolute worst. he always knows when to give me a hug or kiss or a simple "i love you mom" when i need it most. the things he says sometimes blow my mind & make me laugh so hard im in tears! my little soldier holding down the fort while dad is gone. the man of the house... my knight in shinning armour <3

Kalayah? oh she is my little Diva, my drama queen, my Queen-B, my GEMINI.. her fathers daughter! in every sense of the word.. how do i describe her? special! her little giggles when she thinks something is hilarious. the way she says MOM & mommy melt my heart. her big beautiful brown eyes, the crazy/wild curly hair.. my little mommy, helping with her sister & her brother. my eyes and ears around the house. she makes me laugh with her sillyness & her crazieness.. demanding. i can only imagine what she will be like 1 year from now, even 5 years from now. she keeps me on my toes, thats for sure!

last, but DEF not least is Kali.. my baby girl, my coconut face, my Kali-bug, my little ray of sunshine. so bright & bubbly. happy as can be. her laughter is contagious. she smiles at every little thing & babbles & talks so much. she is my people watcher. my little angel. everyday is something new with her. i cant wait to see who she is in a year from now.. finally one who looks more like me! <3

its crazy how 5 years time changes so much. and after all the mountains & valleys i have been through, these 3 little ones are the best memories. each one of them has managed to bring more happiness, love, strength & courage (yes, courage!) to my life... and as difficult it may seem or may get at times, i wouldnt trade having 3 babies EVER!!! i cant even remember what life was really like without them.. boring?? i think so! <3 <3 <3 Happy Mother's Day <3 <3 <3

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